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Support Services

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Support services are designed and implemented to help students reach their full potential. A continuum of services are provided through the Student Success Team and/or the school’s Planning and Placement Team (PPT).

The Student Success Team (SST) is a collaborative, school-wide team of educators, including classroom teachers, interventionists, and school-based support staff.  This team meets regularly to develop and monitor intervention plans to support students who are demonstrating limited academic or behavioral progress within the core classroom environment and curriculum. A Student Success Team (SST) team meeting may be initiated after the child’s teacher has implemented differentiated supports within the classroom environment. At a Student Success Team meeting, the child’s teacher will collaborate with school-based support staff and interventionists to develop and monitor a focused, intervention plan. Classroom teachers and/or interventionists communicate all aspects of the plan with parents/guardians.

The school’s Planning and Placement Team (PPT) works with students referred by their parents/guardians, a teacher, or the principal. Once referred, this team of specialists assesses children’s needs and if a student if found eligible under IDEA, provides specialized instruction to meet these needs in the classroom, in special classes, or in a resource room setting. The PPT includes the parent, special education teacher, classroom teacher, school counselor (secondary), appropriate related service staff members, and administrator.

Pupil Services

Additional Student Support Services